The End of the Line - for now

Another trip to New Orleans is now behind us. On Saturday, our last day in the city, we spent the morning taking in a few last sites. I wandered around the French Quarter one last time, bought some souvenirs and watched a World Cup soccer match from a stool in a local bar. Most of the others did some walking around in Audobon Park.
Before leaving we attended Rev. Lance's anniversary party at a nearby church on St. Charles Avenue. It was a nice chance to say goodbye to many of those we spent the week with. Miss Frances and Elvira were there. They loaded us up with water, Abita beer, crawfish and lemon pound cake for the road. It's awesome the connection we have made with Miss Frances. She's a one-of-a-kind great gal.
The trip, I must say, was another rousing success. The group from Minnesota that traveled down was just awesome. As our trip in April, I was completely proud and impressed with the work ethic of all the Minnesota volunteers. We just got in there and did it. The heart of all of us was also something to behold. We weren't just there to flex our muscle, we were there to spread a little bit of kindness and compassion wherever we could. We interracted with the locals at every corner - from the Quarter, to Uptown, to every site in which we worked. We left a part of ourselves in New Orleans. And I think all of us were happy to do so.
If anyone out there reading this is looking for a cause for which to get behind, please keep everyone at Hands On New Orleans in mind. They need your support, your participation, your dollars. We left the volunteer site all feeling that the workers at Hands On seemed to be weary. They have expended so much of their personal energy to help everyone who needs them in New Orleans. Now, I believe, they could really use some help. They are a great, caring group of people. Send them care packages, gift certificates, money for R and R. They need your help in order to be able help all those who still desperately need it in New Orleans.
Thanks to all of you who helped our group get to New Orleans. We couldn't have done it without you. As you plan your life in the upcoming months, think about taking a trip to New Orleans. You won't regret it. Rather, you'll wonder why you didn't do it sooner.