Friday Back at Singleton
I woke up for early morning KP today at about 5:45. Way too early! Our day would prove to be fairly low-key today, but we did really get a lot done.

Most of our day was spent either alphabetizing the fiction collection, putting labels on spines and getting as many books as possible onto the shelves. We really only touched the tip of the iceberg. We got some of the fiction done and on the shelves but a lot remains. Also, there are still boxes of picture books that we didn’t have time to get to or space to put them.
It was really an awesome day to see the library start to take shape. For just a couple days of work we took what had been started by the Bard kids and really whipped the library into shape. I’m glad I could help on this project and use the skills I have gained from years working in a children’s library.

Val was such a good worker today. She reminded me a lot of working with Pat Hammer back at school. She’s a very efficient worker and mixes in some great humor throughout the day. She wanted to work until 9:00 at night, but we convinced her that at 5:00 it was time to go.
Who know what will come of the Singleton library, but with Melody watching over it and continuing our work when we leave, it should be in good hands. Carla might also come back for a day during the ALA conference next week and even bring some other librarians with her to help. Whether anyone at Singleton will step up to oversee the day to day management of the library is yet to be seen. The hope is that someone will. Perhaps if the students show how interested they are in using the library, that a teacher at the school will realize the importance of keeping the library going and improving. Word is Singleton is still attempting to finance the building of a more permanent library. Time will tell.

Carla and I came back into New Orleans around 10:30, passing across Lake Ponchatrain from a different direction. House upon house had been totally destroyed along the lake. Elvira told us that at that particular spot there was a 30 foot storm surge. Amazing! We met up with the clan in the French Quarter and took in some music at D.B.A. for our final night together.