I'm back home again after an amazing week in New Orleans. I'm not ready yet to disconnect from this great experience, so I thought I'd write a little more about it and share some more of our pictures. The most impressive part of this whole trip for me was the great people I met. In our group, I really only knew Kirsten, so the other 8 members of our group started as strangers. But now, I will always consider them friends. Chris was our fearless leader who put so much time and effort into getting this trip together. He did an amazing job!! Thanks Chris for everything you did to make this trip happen!

Kim, Sam, Dottie, Carla, Janet, Jen, and Rose were all wonderful people who gave me many laughs and many memories over the last seven days. I'll always remember Sam's "made for radio voice" and the poetry reading he did for us during lunch one day. Ask him about his 87 cent poem sometime!! Kim created laughs wherever she went....and the rest of the group was always up for anything. I'm not sure Janet or Sam ever went to bed!!! Every night they were looking for something else to experience.
Musician's Village was the Habitat for Humanity site that we worked on during our time in NOLA. It is quite an impressive site. We loved to see all the new construction and the bright colors of
the houses really make it feel like a happy and hopeful place. Such a contrast to all the destruction we witnessed as well.
I'd love to hear from some of the new people I met this week. Feel free to send me an email. My email is: amshea21@yahoo.com
Thanks for all the great memories!!

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