Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Dottie, posting on kimbalya's blog

Another hot day in New Orleans!! We've been having a great time working in the Musician's Village, located in the upper 9th ward. The first day I worked with Angie, Kirsten and my new BFF, Cynthia. Cynthia is a lawyer from Annapolis MD. We did some caulking, sanding, and painting. The second and third days were much more exciting. My team, consisting of Kim, Sam, Cynthia, and Fran, a professor at Wayne State University in Detroit, and I, worked on siding the back side of the house. Cynthia and I were designated "cutters". We were in charge of measuring and cutting all the pieces of siding. We were given a quick lesson in how to use the "avionic clippers". Chicks with power tools!!! We had a few "do-overs", but were quickly deemed "avionic masters" by our other new BFF, Rocky. Rocky is a New Orleans resident and medical student at LSU-Shreveport. He is a fine young man and will make an excellent doctor. We had lunch with Rocky on two of the days and learned of his family's experience with Hurricane Katrina.

It is once again an awesome experience, and I am reminded of the many ways in which I am truly blessed. I have so much. A home, a job, Lindsey, Jay, and Lucky, Bill, my many great friends, and of course, the best sister in the whole wide world. Love you, Julia!! I have never worked so hard, yet had so much fun!! I can't believe everyone isn't volunteering! It is so rewarding when we are all walking to our job sites and the local residents stop us to thank us for all that we do.They stop their cars in the middle of the street just to say "thanks". That is all I need to keep me going when it is 90 degrees, and I am sunburnt, dirty and soaking wet with sweat.

I've met some great new people on this trip. Angie and Kirsten are special education teachers at Eden Prairie High School, Sam is a retired teacher, Rose is a paraprofessional and Kim is a teacher at Oak Pointe. All of these people give of themselves selflessly, and are great to work and play with. It goes without saying that Chris Kreie is the greatest trip organizer in the world, in addition to being WAY hotter than Eric, especially when he wears his "Gilligan" hat. Kudos, Chris, you're one million and I am proud to be a "Kreie baby". I'd follow you to the ends of the earth to volunteer! You still owe me a big ass beer!



At 6:15 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

where y'at my yankee friends,
dottie asked me to post my e-mail address so that y'all can stay in touch. once school starts again don't get offended if it takes me a while to respond to an e-mail b/c free time is hard to come by. anyway, it was so great to meet all y'all...your great people.

take it easy,
rocky (


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