I woke up to a hot humid day down south. Someone said we broke some sort of record high of 97 degrees on Monday.

Getting up with nine others and getting organized for the day felt like youth hostel days this morning. A crew was making peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and getting other lunch food together. We got to our Musician's Village work site about 7:30 am and went over a bunch of safety rules with a group of about 200 volunteers. Next we were all assigned to different projects. I've enjoyed going back to the same house to work on each day. Great color...a salmon colored Habitat House. I'm out of my comfort zone working on this house. I need a lot of instructions, but I feel like I'm a pretty good team player. I'm learning some new construction terminology to impress my son and my father. I'm glad I'm here with other like minded people who want to make a difference. I love talking to people from all over the U.S.

Some of the work I've been doing over the last few days have been hammering, measuring wood and assisting Carla with the power saw, moving giant pieces of wood here and there, nailing in connectors after measuring, and drinking a lot of water. I look forward to working on this house tomorrow and working at the animal shelter on Friday. I'm halfway. Time is running out. Thoughts of my next volunteer adventure is flowing through my mind. I'm interested in continuing volunteering in the cities. I've got the volunteer bug.
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