The Trip Back Down to Nola
I would say that the evening went well, all things considered for a drive-all-night van ride. We found creative ways to sleep including folding one of the back seats down and taking turns sleeping on the floor. Kim was most fond of this arrangement. I took a shift on the floor and did okay until I realized how really trapped I was down there and began to feel claustrophobic. Not to mention my hip bone grinding into the van floor.
Janet and Kim were the winners for most hours awake last night. I did my share from four a.m. to nine.
Waterloo, IA marked our first official stop. We did beautiful, downtown Waterloo and enjoyed dinner at Doughy Joey’s Peetza (that’s really how it’s spelled).
Only a few wrong turns and many hundreds of miles later we did breakfast in southern Arkansas at Shoney’s. Kim enjoyed the huge breakfast “boofay.” The rest of us weren’t so daring and ordered off the menu.
So, things are good as we approach Louisiana. Hopefully Sam and Rose will have a good flight and we’ll rendezvous around 5:00 at Pax’s house!
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