Weedwhacking with Big Ush

Hello everyone- I'm Ryan, I came down here with the Eden Prairie crew and brought my old man, Steve, along with me. So far it's been an amazing experience. We've been here 3 days and have been working pretty hard. Today we did landscaping work for the International School of Louisiana. Their school suffered severe damage from the Hurricane and needed a new location. They chose a public school that has been closed for some time (formerly Andrew Jackson Elementary). We spent all day cleaning up their new home helping to get it ready for the fall.
Six of our Minnesota crew (Angie, Steve, Ryan, Rose, Janet, Jean) landscaped all day. We pulled weeds, cut grass, removed fallen tree limbs, raked, and WEEDWHACKED!! It was a lot of work in the hot sun, but when it was all said and done we accomplished quite a bit.
We couldn't have done it alone though. Usher, the famous R & B star, swung by and lent a helping hand... sort of. http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/pop/1403AP_Usher_New_Orleans.htmlHe learned how to use a weedwhacker and removed a tree with some "loppers." He used Angie's safety goggles and weedwhacker so she will no longer wash her hands. She was star struck. I did see that he broke a sweat and stayed for longer than I expected. It's for a good cause. Thanks big Ush.
Anyways, things are good here. We're off to paint a house tomorrow. Hope all is well with y'all.
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